LITERARY IDOL goes like this: a trained actor reads aloud the first 250 words of your unpublished manuscript for a panel of four judges, high-powered agents all, with years of experience reading unsolicited manuscripts. When one judge hears a line that would make her stop reading, she raises her hand. The actor keeps reading until a second hand is raised.

The critiques were brilliant and spot-on. My manuscript was the last one read.

No, they weren’t there. Our judges were even bigger rockstars: Katharine Sands of Sarah Jayne Freymann; Jennifer Carlson of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner; Erin Harris of Irene Skolnik; and Rees Literary’s Ann Collette. Humble thanks for your kind words, esteemed panel!

Literary Idol ROCKED. I just wish I could have DVR’d it.

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